Israel threatens to invade the separation zone in the Golan – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Druze men observe the Syrian side of the occupied Golan Heights [Reuters]

The Israeli army can invade the area separating the Syrian and Israeli territories from the Golan Heights. "The Israeli army does not rule out the invasion of the Syrian border area if the pressure of Syrian refugees wishing to flee to Israel increases."

"Israeli forces will not allow the border security barrier to pbad.

According to Haaretz newspaper's military badyst, the military has increased its military presence on the Golan Heights in anticipation of all development in the region Amos Harel, Israel is now accepting the arrival of the Syrian regime's army in areas adjacent to the ceasefire line. "It's a complete story" A security source said, "after Haaretz, Israel" does not care about the Assad regime but what will happen after the deployment of his army in southern Syria and near the border. line of ceasefire. Fire. "The Syrian president is a despicable murderer, but the regime is seeking stability, not confrontation with Israel, and is fully aware of the balance of power with the Israeli army," Israeli officials said. Harel. Between 1974 and 2013, the year of the Assad collapse in southern Syria, the Israeli front was the quietest. "The army of Assad will return to the Golan Heights and rebuild bases and military sites."

Alex Fishman, military badyst in the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, reported that Israel had "clearly warned" Syria that "if a Syrian tanker A soldier, disengage the forces of 1974 and entered the buffer zone demilitarized, will be eliminated. "

Fishman continued that" the warning is acceptable to Washington. "The United States and Russia will not prevent Israel from using force in Syria until 25 kilometers from its borders (in the occupied Golan). "

The regime targets the campaigns of Hama, Halab and Idlib

Deraa internally displaced persons return home

Thousands of displaced persons return At home in Dara'a governorate, in 1965, regime forces and opposition factions in Daraa Province reached an agreement with Russia after a civil war and negotiations with Russia. including the evacuation of fighters and civilians refusing to settle in the northwest According to the United Nations, the military operation of the regime's forces, with the support of Russia to Daraa since the 19 June, led more than 320,000 civilians to flee their homes, many of whom went to the Jordanian border.

Rami Abdul Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory "Thousands of displaced people have returned from the border area with Jordan to villages and towns in the southern Daraa countryside since Friday afternoon, "he said, evoking the calm imposed by the ceasefire. Moved to 13 villages and towns, "pointing out that the return movement continues to areas covered by agencies

In addition to an evacuation process that does not want a regulation that has not yet been set, the agreement according to the official Syrian News Agency (SANA) includes the return of displaced people in their cities and institutions.

"Return to areas entered by regime forces for fear of arrests."

The Daraa agreement, according to Sana, "the Syrian state recognizes all checkpoints along the Syrian-Jordanian border."

The agreement is supposed to be implemented in three stages From the eastern province's campaign to the city of Daraa to its western countryside, Hbad said N Obazad director of the Information Bureau of the " central operations room in the South "factions said" AFP ". He explained that "the work began in the first phase with the entry of the Syrian Army to the port of Nisib and the beginning of the delivery of tanks to the Russian factions," adding that the second phase would include the Evacuation of opponents without specifying the date of implementation. "Assad got what he wanted from the agreement – control of the border area between Syria and Jordan in Daraa, progressive disarmament of the factions and the reestablishment of his government in southern Syria . "

This is a "great new defeat" for the factions of the opposition.

As for the face "It seems that the Syrian government will then go to Quneitra […] and it is difficult to find a way forward without provoking the Israelis and provoking destructive Israeli military action."

On another front, and attack on villages and towns in rural areas of Aleppo and Hama.

The director of the "White Helmets" (Civil Defense) in the city of Badama southwest of the province of Idlib, Hussam "The forces of the regime and its allied forces launched air and ground attacks against residential neighborhoods, killing a civilian and a person According to sources, the regime used in its attacks against the city of Badama and the villages of the survivors and rocket launchers and phosphorus bombs in violation of the agreement to reduce tensions in the region.

The regime also targeted the city of Latmanah, in Hama province, and the bombing of Kafr Hamra village in Aleppo province

Source: [19659022] Al-Rai Journal

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