Its effect as a stimulant. New application improves memory capabilities!


Scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed a new application that improves memory capabilities.

A team from the Institute of Behavioral and Clinical Sciences at the University has created a "Decoder" app, in partnership with game developer Tom Percy, to help users improve their attention and their concentration.

According to Barbara Sahakian, Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge and Professor George Savolic, the Decoder application's application is performed on an iPad for eight hours over a period of one year. months to improve attention and concentration.

During the study, 75 adults were divided into three groups: the first group played at the "decoder", the second at the bingo (popular game in the United Kingdom where players place tags on the cards) and the third group did not receive any play; The first two were to attend eight one – hour sessions in one month, playing dikodar and supervised bingo.

At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, the concentration was measured by a personalized test and the results showed that the adults who played the "dicoder" showed an improvement of the results around the concentration compared to those who were playing bingo.

The improvements in attention were similar to the effects of steroids such as Ritalin, a central nervous system stimulant, used to treat attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

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