"The Constitution eliminates confessional representation and applies only to the first category of jobs between Muslims and Christians," said MP Jamil al-Sayyid via Hbadhabah on Twitter.
He added: "The success of the civil service does not concern the employees of the first category, and it has happened that Christians have not shown themselves.Do we cancel the results? I mean, if we met a Christian scavenger we would not name a Muslim scavenger? "
The constitution abolishes sectarian representation and applies only to the first category of jobs between Muslims and Christians (directors of judges of officers …)!
Successful public servants are not first clbad employees,
It has happened that Christians have not manifested themselves,
Should the results be canceled?
I mean, if we have a Christian scavenger, we do not have a Muslim scavenger.
God is a defect ..– Major General Jamil al-Sayyed (@jamil_el_sayyed) July 27, 2019
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