Jumblatt closes the door to any negotiations on the Druze quota and is irritated by the "current" Archive of Articles


After the end of the parliamentary consultations of the president-elect Saad Hariri, there are those who bet that the birth of the government will not take more than two weeks at the latest, but the wind was opposite What soon became a contract and moguls were not in the mind, and began this contract that worsens from day to day until the full meaning of the author is unable to break the knot of any contract node that interlocks and requires For a complete integrated solution, and the current atmosphere is not appropriate to achieve this A solution The image of the government up to this moment is black, and the attempt to pump optimistic doses from time to time is no longer useful, but it is no longer stupid, because everyone knows that mines can not disarm.

It is true that there is hard work on the part of the president in charge of forming the government in two weeks at the latest, but the political climate exists that the realization of this objective is fraught with many difficulties , all the more so as the heat is this Always cold on the center line – the current The meeting between Prime Minister Hariri and the leader of the Lebanese forces Samir Geagea was to be followed by a similar meeting between Hariri and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gibran Bbadil last week, but this meeting did not take place because the terms of Christian-Christian conflict settlement are not yet available, and any meeting at this level without progress at this aggravate and complicate matters, especially since Minister Bbadil continues to insist that the share of "troops" in the next government will not exceed three Geagea told Hariri during the meeting at the end of the middle house that he was pleased with the Lord

If the basic knot that hinders the formation of the government is the Christian contract, as it is described by the different parties involved in this right, the Druze knot is no less important than the complex "current" and "forces", so that the former deputy Walid Jumblatt believes that the intervention of Aounia aggravates this crisis and makes it difficult to resolve, so the elected leader has decided to reject any negotiations on the Druze seats in terms of the participation of any of them. Ministers call Druze according to results

If it is the Dahariya contract, which is pronounced by all those who work for the birth of the government, there are those who will believe that there is a hidden pole that hinders the paternity process. They do not have enough data on this and quickly reject the ball on the outside factor, which they consider to be an influential factor in any Lebanese law of any kind.

Political sources confirm that the government has not yet left the first place, The consultation and negotiation are now sent I am worried that the possibility of extension of the author and so that 's it reflects negatively many issues, including monetary and economic, despite badurances issued here and there, everyone knows that there are international conferences for Lebanon, and the results of these conferences require an effective government to liquefy them Especially in terms of strengthening the economic and financial situation, which has reached the edge of President Nabih Berri on the edge of the abyss.

These sources believe that the failure of the president appointed to visit the Baabda Palace after returning from abroad is due to the fact that Prime Minister Hariri does not want to climb to the presidential palace without a new formula questionable or at least

These sources do not exclude Prime Minister Hariri from meeting Minister Gebran Bbadil in the light of what will come out of this meeting, the President-designate will decide whether the time has come to hold under his arm a government project to discuss with the President of the Republic

Sources are satisfied with the call of President Berri To hold a session to complete legislative cooking by the election of committees parliamentarians and presidents and rapporteurs, the fact that this step is prepared by the President of the Council to speed up the composition and presence of the different parties to speak was a good thing.

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