Jumblatt: We will not make concessions .. Barri and Siniora discuss the parliamentary consultation session: will be treated with insight and wisdom


The positions of the president of the "Free Patriotic Movement" Gebran Bbadil have left the last, which has led most political parties responsible for delaying the formation of the government, signs that the contract of authorship is still the same, while President Nabih Berri about the government, reiterating that the mother node is the Christian knot, the formation of the government has delayed at least the return of President-elect Saad Hariri from his trip to Madrid and London, and the return of Basil of his trip to the United States next weekend. Meanwhile, the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, refused to comment on the charges of the free patriotic movement to impede and delay the formation of the government: "I will not enter into a debate with a party now. I have nothing to say and I have not seen what Minister Bbadil said and I will not see it.

And his vision and how to get out of the dilemma of delaying the formation of the He said: "Up to now, things are not cattle, Shaw is working, because we will seek to improve them."

And the possibility of reducing the "progressive socialist" party to the ceiling of Jumblatt said: "This is not the time to make concessions as long as others do not make concessions, I will not say more."

Ministerial sources close to the Pact for "General" are worried about the presence of a big p the hidden behind the procrastination in the progress of the formation of the government, likely to be a foreign contract and not only internal, "like many Arab and foreign countries Including Israel may not want to form a government in this circumstance compressor regional and international, or he does not care whether the government has formed or not.

According to sources, "there are many possibilities of lack of external desire, including perhaps with regard to Hezbollah, including the position of Presidents Michel Aoun and Saad Hariri". Behind this procrastination in the formation of the government.

On another line, it was reported that Prime Minister Hariri was embarrbaded by President Berri's desire to hold a plenary session of the House of Representatives for consultation in the general situation, including the government's question.

According to the information, Hariri considers that the holding of such a meeting can be interpreted as holding him personally responsible for the delay in forming the government.This was perhaps one of the reasons from the visit of former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora to President Berri yesterday, where he underlined "the return to respect the Taif accord, the respect of the constitution resulting from this agreement and the respect of the laws". He also stressed that "President Berri is as keen as I am and respects constitutional provisions more fully."

Siniora explained to the Major General that he was raising the issue with President Berri, but did not ask him to postpone or cancel the meeting: "President Berri, with his wisdom and insight, will treat the issue as he sees fit and find all the issues. And I'm sure and there is no problem between the two presidents. "

Siniora asked," Why focus only on the subject of the session? Do not stop when it affects the respect of the constitution? What does the Constitution say? Means the powers of the President in charge of forming the government and a point on the line.

And how to treat? "It's not just about fixing the problem, but not creating a problem, there will be no ambiguity on this issue, we will have appropriate treatment and we will see how the President Berri will treat this matter wisely. "

And the nature of the contract governing the formation of the government? Siniora said: "Everyone shows the form of the content, the political forces do not discuss how to share the spoils and the cake, the decision is much greater than the benefits, the government bears the responsibility and the burdens bigger than this. that some imagine.

As confirmed by Berri sources: "The meeting must consult on how to get out of the crisis and urge those concerned to form a government to get out of speculation and not to badume the responsibilities of that. party or that. "

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