Jumblatt won the popular and managed to invest anger Durr Phalanges


The armed clashes that took place in the mountains came from his region after the declaration of the US Embbady on the incident, in parallel with the rise of former MP Walid Jumblatt faced with what he considers to be woven against him as a result of the incident.

In this context, Progressive Socialist Party Bloc MP Hadi Abul-Hbadan told Asharq Al-Awsat that "Jumblatt was not inclined to escalate, but to lead the fight for self-defense, the presence political and defense of a free and independent Lebanon ". In the past, political alignments to preserve civil peace, but it did not work, but tried to encircle and domesticate, as we have seen since the arrival of D & D Aoun to Baabda and the release of Bbadil's hand to hold the country without worrying about the positive positions of Jumblatt.

Eddie Abi Lamaa, MP for the Lebanese Forces bloc, said that "what has happened indicates the vagueness in this matter, whether in terms of a complaint to the Council of Justice or by saying that Basil is the target, neither in terms of interference with the judges, which means the unfolding of the political and non-judicial trial, which pushed Jumblatt to put things in perspective. "

Informed sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that "Jumblatt won a popular victory and was able to exploit the Druze anger against Minister Gibran Bbadil, especially after receiving the support of Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the Lebanese Forces Chief. Samir Geagea: The three leaders preserve Lebanon's balance and sovereignty against the other party, whom they accuse of trying to abolish everyone in anticipation of Hezbollah's continued rule.

Source: Middle East

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