"Jund al-Sham" refuses to hand over a murdered suspect "Abu Jandal"!


Sources of monitoring of what is happening in Ain al-Hilweh camp from security events since early August that the camp is still in the circle of security tensions related to these events, although part of the results of previous accumulations of security, but according to these sources It is planned to recall the camps from the gate of Ain al-Hilweh from the point of view of security in order to divert attention from humanitarian aspects and life in harmony with the agreement of the century, as well as the political and popular movement demanding the right to work for the Palestinians as a result of the recent measures taken by the Ministry of Labor. Palestinian financial institutions.

In both cases, Palestinian sources add, there is Palestinian certainty that, regardless of the context of these events, the aim is to stabilize the camp and guarantee the right of its people to live in security and safety. dignity, as well as the good causes of the Palestinian people.

Several questions were raised after the badbadination of Palestinian Mohammed Tawfiq Lutfi "Abu Jandal" by an unidentified gunman on the railway line in the reconstruction of Ain al-Hilweh who was riding the camp, may be the most visible:
– Is there any connection between the badbadination of "Abu Jandal" and the end of the trial of the Palestinian Bilal Al-Arqoub in the light of rumors that the latter would belong to the group that put end at the second trial on the basis of the two days that preceded the badbadination of the young Hussein Alaeddin "Khomeini" in the camp?
– Who is behind the liquidation of "Abu Jandal", which went from "Jund al-Sham" to more than "a Muslim organization" for "a Muslim youth" to a "very near "the" League of Ansar "recently.
– The badbadination of "Abu Jandal" was a direct message that addressed the role played by the Ansar League and the Islamic forces in the camp and by the Palestinian national and Islamic consensus aimed at "confronting all those who try to harm to the security of the camp and to divert the compbad from its central problem ".
– Is the badbadination of "Abu Jandal", who was not the first during this period, will be the last or the camp is preparing for more events? security !.
But the answer to these questions awaits what the evolution of the situation in the camp will entail in the hours, days and possibly weeks to come.
Joint Action Authority
At that time, the day after the badbadination of "Abu Jandal" witnessed a semi-normal move, but remained tainted with caution, while Palestinian forces were busy studying the security situation in the light of the badbadination. Following the statement, "After the badbadination Tuesday in the Tameer Ein el-Helweh region, which led to the badbadination of Mohammed Lotfi, aka Abu Jandal, the Palestinian Action Committee for The national and Islamic forces in Saïda examined the causes of the crime and concluded the following: One During a day at a time when the Palestinian issue is going through the most difficult circumstances and stages and is being targeted by suspicious security in the service of the Zionist enemy.The Palestinian Authority therefore insists on the following:

First, he will not accept a return to the rear after the badbadination of Hussein Alaeddin (Khomeini).
Second: stop or hand over the murderer to Lebanese justice for it to be punished.
– Third: we will not accept the hypothesis of concealment because this policy leads to the prosecution of crimes.

The secretary of the Islamic forces, Sheikh Jamal Khattab, said during a phone interview that the meeting had sent a committee to them in the emergency district to convince "those present that anyone cited as that suspect in this case must be extradited. " Ask him. "
Regarding his reading of the crime targets, Khattab pointed out that "they are read in all directions.

Obstacles to the work of the commission of inquiry
According to the "Future Web" website, members of the committee, who visited the emergency district, met a Palestinian official "Jund al-Sham" "H." Who controls the area where he was killed, "Abu Jandal" and asked him for surveillance camera recordings installed on the spot and told them that "the cameras are disabled". When they requested the extradition of one of the suspects of the Palestinian badbadination "HC", he refused to extradite him and told them that "who wants to interrogate anyone" one that I let him question here! " .

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