Jupiter swallowed a planet 4.5 billion years ago


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August 16, 2019

Jupiter collided directly with a first planet 4.5 billion years ago, while it was still forming, and swallowed the planet – which is 10 times larger than Earth – in its entirety.

The theory comes from scientists who have studied the history of the planet using data from NASA's Juno spacecraft, which they say speaks volumes about the mysterious gaseous planet.

According to the British Daily Mail's website, Jupiter's interior is made up of hard rocks and hydrogen, which astronomers have been intriguing for a long time, and if their theory is correct, it would shed new light on the composition of the turbulent solar system. .

The scientists said in their study published in the journal "Nature": "The quite considerable influence between this planet and Jupiter could have broken his heart and integrate the mixture of heavy elements with internal conditions."

The team, made up of all the countries of Japan, China, Switzerland and the United States, added that this scenario was not unique to Jupiter, because the initial planets were very much at the beginning of the system. solar.

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Source: day 7

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