Kamal Balata will be lying in Jerusalem


The family of the Jerusalem artist, Kamal Balata, said in a statement: "The son of Jerusalem, Kamal Balata, will finally return to his homeland to be buried in the cemetery of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Mount Sion, with his grandparents and his family ".

Kamal was born in Jerusalem and grew up in the holy city. The documents of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem and the Mukhtar Orthodox Arabs in the old town of the late Mr. Mitri Tabbah date back more than 600 years.

The late Jerusalem artist Kamal Balata.

Half a century ago, Kamal Balata was prevented from returning to his city because he was abroad to hold an art exhibition in Beirut in 1967, at the time of the 39; occupation. All his attempts to return to Jerusalem failed and he was only able to return once during a brief visit in 1984, recorded by Ghareeb in his homeland.

"Nevertheless, Jerusalem remained in her heart and in her art." Her wish was to return to Jerusalem and be buried there.After a week of tireless efforts from her lawyers and family members, we today we have permission to leave his body in his city. "

"The right of every Palestinian to return to his country is a sacred right," the statement said. "This right applies especially to the people of Jerusalem, whose holy city is part of their lives and the very essence of their existence.It is unfortunate that this right is denied to many.Bamal Balata is a artistic artist and respected around the world in order to realize his last wish: that he rest in peace and be mentioned forever.

It should be noted that the burial ceremony will take place in Jerusalem on Monday, August 19, 2019, at 4 pm, in the church of Sion, where it will be hidden in its last resting place. Condolences are accepted at the Arab Orthodox Club of Beit Hanina – Dahiya Junction on Monday immediately after the burial and on Tuesday between 4pm and 8pm. In Berlin, the funeral prayer will be held on Thursday, August 15 at 10:30, at the St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, before he is lying in Jerusalem.

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