Kardel: Form a University Government to Disarm Armed Groups Outside the State


The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Bernel Dahler-Cardel, stressed that "the international community is taking charge of Lebanon, expressing its support and working with it to remain stable and protected from conflicts in the region" . Lebanon, because it has remained stable despite the stormy crises in the region, "praising the" recent parliamentary elections ", noting that" there is a concern about the extension of the formation of the government " "Lebanon needs a consensus government, a national unity government, to ensure that Lebanon can continue its important partnership with the international community." [19659002] if (isMobile) {
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God "potential in the future government Lebanese, noted in a press interview, "The international support group for Lebanon, which includes the five permanent members of the Security Council, including the United States, has agreed to form a government of national unity in a near future, "highlighting the demands of the international community for disarming Hezbollah", the latest report of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the implementation of resolution 1701, "explaining that" the disarmament of groups Non-state weaponry is really important for Lebanon's stability, "noting that" President Michel Aoun plans to discuss the national defense strategy as part of the national dialogue. "

Carrill stresses that" this dialogue should be owned by Lebanon and should be comprehensive and sustainable and fulfill Lebanon's international obligations, "encourage Lebanese parties to" continue the commitment of the Baabda Declaration and the policy of distancing conflict in the region, especially with regard to the involvement of Hezbollah, groups and individuals of Lebanon in the Syrian conflict, because Lebanon can not align with any of the current discussions On the return of Syrian refugees to their country, she stressed that "the issue of displaced people has been at the top of Lebanon's political agenda for a very good reason. "The Lebanese authorities and Lebanese leaders are committed to international principles of not forcing forced return to displaced persons, some of them have finally decided to return voluntarily, and we want this process to be as effective as possible. "

The coordinator pointed out that "the United Nations considers the presence of displaced Syrians as temporary, and should be resolved by voluntarily returning to their country, when circumstances are ripe", realizing that "they do not may not come back, we should find alternative solution, "indicating that" of the BBC Discuss the role of the United Nations in the Russian initiative to establish centers in Lebanon and Jordan for the return of displaced persons in Syria , "noting that" we are waiting for the situation in Syria to be ready for the return of safe and dignified displaced persons. "

On recent fears of a possible war on both sides of Syria and Lebanon of On the one hand, and Israel on the other hand, because of growing tensions with Iran, she said: "Of course, I am concerned about these concerns." We are concerned all the time, " revealing that "to All parties are reducing the risks of extending conflict in Lebanon through various means, including self-defense, and the dismantling of disputes over the Blue Line to reduce the risk of misunderstanding. The border between Lebanon and Israel, and the UNIFIL-sponsored tripartite mechanism between the Lebanese and Israeli armies, is unique in this region. "

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