Kareem, Nelly's daughter, shows for the first time her father's fiancée


We show you the most important news in the following article:
Nelly Karim's daughter appears for the first time with her father's fiance on the Al-Fajr website on Monday, July 9, 2018.

Nutritionist Hani Abu Al-Naga publishes photos of him with his fiancée Caroline Suleiman and her daughter The little Kanda of actress Nelly Karim.

Her followers, impressed by her youngest daughter, confirmed that she carried innocent traits like her mother, while some questioned her on the date of her marriage.

Finally, thank you for visiting and following the East Times. Sources of reliable news, where we moved (the daughter of Nelly Karim appeared for the first time with the fiancee of his father), and the source is responsible for the authenticity of the news.
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