Kidnapped his son because he was "born" … and a woman diplomat tells him his suffering!


"More than 15 women have been prevented," Elda al-Ghussain wrote in the Al-Akhbar newspaper, "for fear of court reactions in their case," he heard through the loudspeaker. The voices of legislators who have not pbaded a unified civil law on personal status protect women from everything that is done against them and their children.

Dozens of women waved banners of anger and revolution and witnessed the protest vigil yesterday at Martyrs Square in downtown Beirut, rejecting discriminatory laws on personal status. The event was organized by the Lebanese Group of Democratic Women (RDFL), titled "Beware of women's anger!", To "demand the independence of the sects from their own lives and affairs and l & # 39; adoption of a law on civil status guaranteeing full equality and protecting them from the violence of religious courts ". Anger and protest were limited to the stand rather than the floor and the audience … Only the voices of the women who watched and spoke reflected them.

Some of the men on the podium did not lack the audacity to tell about their suffering in religious courts. One of them said that she was defying her husband, who had kidnapped his son "because he is a politician," she said. "I came back and I kidnapped my son and I challenged, the woman as the sand of her children is ready to die!" Beside her was standing her son with his years that did not exceed the fingers of one hand, carrying a sign saying "If my love for my son is a crime, I confess and I I'm proud of my crime. " A "diplomat wife of UNIFIL" also cried out against her immunity and her threat of defamation. There are many testimonies from women of different origins about the pressures exerted by their husbands and the spiritual and legitimate judges on custody, alimony and inheritance, monitoring rights and procrastination in the event of divorce. .. and others. "Our religious courts, discriminatory laws", "revolution of a women's revolution, religious scholars", "the civil law protects me, no fatwas", "tears of the mother and the child that make move the turban "" The woman has forgotten and beat to the rhythm with her. "
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