Kurdish leader for RT: ready to participate in the release of Idlib


  RT Kurdish leader: ready to participate in the liberation of Idlib
RT Kurdish leader: ready to participate in the liberation of Idlib

Kurdish leader of RT: You are a leader Kurdish for RT: We are ready to participate in the release of Idlib, ready to participate in the release of Idlib. We send you our news on our news site and start with the most important news. ] News Kingdom The leader of the Movement for Democratic Society, Aldar Khalil, confirmed that Kurdish fighters

Khalil said in an interview with RT: "We are ready, if we can agree, to play a central role in the liberation of northern Syria. "

He added: "We are ready to cooperate with any editorial power, without specifying with whom .. The reality of forces in northern Syria can play this role."

The Kurdish leader, referring to an article presented on the website of the channel "Ronahi", believes that it is "an article of opinion" on the need to liberate areas of northern Syria from the occupation.

Khalil denied what was reported by the media, accusations of his rapprochement with the central government in Damascus, pointing out that what he meant in his article, is that "Idlib is busy by terrorist groups and mercenaries of the Turkish army.As Syrians expel the occupation of our lands. "

Source: RT

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(19659005) Source: Arab RT (Russia Today)

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