Kuwaiti woman uses shocking methods to change the color of her skin to black – Video


3 hours ago

Kuwaiti woman uses shocking methods to change the color of her skin to black - Video

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"Al-Quds Al-Arabi": Kuwaiti presenter Lota Al-Logani surprised her fans by appearing in a video showing her desire to change the color of her skin.

She said that she had been exposed to the sun without getting the desired result. She pointed out that the color of her skin is dark but bronze, which indicates that she prefers to be black.

"She is sitting in sunny places for 4 to 5 hours and she has used all kinds of facial dyes from different countries," she said.

Hessa said that she was unable to change the color of her face and that the color of the dye or tan disappears after only two days.

The video, broadcast by a large number of active accounts on the application of images and videos, "Instagram" caused a sensation, because many of them expressed their surprise that the advertiser sought to ensure that the color of her skin looks black while many want to whiten the color of their faces. Others felt that they only wanted to attract attention.

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