Latest News – "Bravo" … Mike Massey revolts over the classic


On Monday night, Lebanese singer Mike Mbadey launched a new album, Bravo, at a concert at the Zouk Mikael festival near the Lebanese capital of Beirut. The new Mbadey album includes 9 songs, including 7 new songs: Bravo, Ya Hayat, Albi, Ano, Bedi Dea, Laila and Maybe, which he shares in his performance. Singer Hani Adel

The album also includes an orchestral version of the song "Ya Hayat", in addition to the song "Karamali" which was released two years ago, as a result of the album. Workshop "Meet Your Voice" Organized by the "Dimensions"

A Qualitative Leap

Mbadey's new album is a quantum leap in his artistic career, the album's songs are different from all of the above .

In some songs, Mbadey uses a loud sound layer, to which we are not used in Arabic music, and which is very similar to the second sound used by Justin Timberlake in his music. His songs. Mbadey has never been the only one to sing in the Arab world, with the exception of Hamed Snow, singer of the "Leila Project" in Lebanon

Mbadey's themes are also varied in the world. album and voices that he plays in his songs. Following the song "Karamali" derived from the stories of battered women and their dialogues, it was natural that Mbadey Maqsi where the vocabulary and voice of women. In the song "Ya Lili" Mbadey also plays the role of the woman, in which the narrator tells the story of a romantic relationship that begins with a hoarse rhythm, before the musical breaks reflect one of the points artistic strong of the album.

Various Subjects

In terms of themes, they ranged from emotional and subjective songs, and between songs that attempt to express general humanitarian issues, such as in the song "Ya Hayat" which seems to be the song the most complete of the album, Especially in the first version.

Although the songs in the album are all human songs, However, Mbadey is trying to cement his relations with the local Lebanese public by focusing on the problems of Lebanese man in the song "Bedi Dhaia" and mentioning the names of some cities and regions of Lebanon, "And" Ya Lili. "

Most of what Mbadi thinks in his new album is his desire to innovate, and his reliance on experimentation to escape the clbadical style of his previous works, which we still touch with some of the album songs. Although the level of the album's songs, but the experience of "Bravo" is considered the best in the Mbadey music walk.

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