Launch of the campaign "Khali your heart your work"


The Ministry of Social Affairs in Lebanon launched a national awareness and awareness campaign entitled "Khali Baleb Eilatk" at 10 am, through 40 development service centers deployed in all countries. The governorates and districts of Lebanon, initially, will be extended to the 220 centers of the Ministry, after the months of preparation under the direct supervision of the director general of the ministry, Judge Abdullah Ahmad, and the permanent monitoring of some centers. In Beirut and its suburbs, to see (19459002) Ahmed

In a speech delivered during the visit, the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that "the family is the core of society, and that the phenomena the most serious and social problems have begun to pervade, as our studies and research demonstrate, the responsibility of all, including ministries, municipalities, civil society organizations, parties and clergy, to face the highest risks. serious and most dangerous. "Family" and called to stand up to defend the cohesion of our families and our society. "

He emphasizes that" the role of parents, grandparents and grandparents in the guidance and education of their children and young people should not be confused with "We are to target groups that involve mainly parents, youth groups in schools and universities, as well as Scout clubs and clubs, "he said. Some of the most common and widespread problems among families of different categories, with the aim of spreading knowledge and dignity Awareness of ways to prevent these problems, including social, health, educational and vital, and we will seek to develop mechanisms for Assistance to meet their challenges. "

In this context, the Director-General noted that" the campaign reinforces the role of development service centers. Orientation, protection and development, and encourage them to cooperate with municipalities and civil society to provide social services to citizens, especially specialized services, and to suggest that certain phenomena, practices and problems threaten the cohesion of the family and the society, K "The Ministry of Youth and Rural Development will undertake training programs for young people and trainings that will allow them to improve their skills to help them find better jobs and encourage them to invest, "he said. He thanked the Minister of Social Affairs, Pierre Bou Assi, for his support role in this campaign and anxious to ensure the success of his efforts in all its dimensions and objectives, integrated into the programs led by the Ministry, Under the supervision of His Excellency Mr. "The media have a key role to play in highlighting the dangers of the social phenomena that are the focus of the campaign," he said, highlighting the importance of this campaign for the protection of families. And vulnerable groups, he thanked the Ministry team in the central government, the Department of Development Services, the directors of the centers and their teams, especially the social badistance that accompanied the campaign in his complete stages, and women Rana Jafal. Suhair Al-Ghali, Hanina Deniz and Samar Sinilati, appreciating the efforts they have made in recent months and continue to provide the best service to the citizens. "He also thanked the partner badociations for this campaign, which made every effort to make it a success."

"The popularization and awareness campaign will focus on six areas: drug addiction, reproductive health, badual and reproductive health. family education, psychosocial support, nutrition and community development. "In a statement on the campaign, The results of a study of social problems and phenomena that threaten our society implemented by Waza In cooperation with the United Nations Development Fund for Lebanon (UNDP) and a group of experts in sociology and teacher education of the Lebanese University, the campaign started by raising awareness of the three types of addiction (electronic drugs , tobacco).

The declaration adds: "What distinguishes the campaign of" Khali Bilab Eilatk "launched at the same time at the centers mentioned, and implemented in coordination with the administrative units of the Ministry and the projects that result, in addition from a number of social aids, "The campaign was preceded by the launch of Hatchag # Khali_Klbk_a_AtilTek, on the social networking pages that the ministry team has set up The campaign is expected to continue in its first phase for six months, and at the end of this year, we will evaluate this step before moving on to the second stage, starting in 2019.

We invite all participants to participate under the slogan "We are all responsible." That's what we're proud of. With the announcement of the zero hour to launch. "

Called R By visiting the national campaign and its activities, visit his Facebook account via: tps: // View = permalink & id = 1985445195119146.

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