Learn about a new security feature in iOS 13 that affects Facebook


Learn more about a new security feature in "iOS 13" that affects Facebook
Planning Society According to a new report from The Information, Apple will limit how applications will implement VoIP functionality, which could now allow mobile software to collect data while running in the background
Apple is working on a security feature New In its new operating system "iOS13", the goal is to prevent applications using VoIP protocols from running in the background as soon as the user stops browsing , which could allow smartphone apps to collect data while running in the background, according to a new report released about (information).
The new feature will have a negative impact on many call applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, etc., using applications (VOIP) in the background to speed up the reception and transmission of the call and the notification of the user.
Although third-party developers collect data on iOS users while running their applications in the background, Apple will stop using iOS 13, affecting Facebook and other companies, according to the Arab portal News. And forces them to radically change their applications.
External connectivity applications were adopted in earlier versions of the operating system, a background VoIP process that allowed them to detect incoming calls without reopening the application.
Some developers have exploited this possibility to collect data even when their applications are not used or active. According to the report, "iOS 13" will restrict the background process so that it can only be used for Internet calls.
This stops the collection of data in the background, a change that should seriously affect WhatsApp, and requires the rebuilding of other applications, including Facebook Messenger and Snapchat.
Users have reported issues with iOS background tasks for years, with many reports of Facebook's basic application as an unexpected source of battery depletion.
Facebook then disconnected its direct communication features and forwarded them to Facebook Messenger, while other apps, including WhatsApp, Snapchat and WeChat, continued to grow significantly.
This is due in part to the ease of sharing encrypted content with friends and business contacts, and WhatsApp seems to be partly based on PushKit for end-to-end encryption.
Facebook, for its part, denied using PushKit to collect data, but said it was working to fix the problem. A spokesman for the company: "Changes in upcoming (iOS) releases are not important, but we are discussing with Apple the best way to solve them."
Apple is supposed to implement the modification with iOS 13, which is currently in beta and the release date is scheduled for September, but it is clear that Society Will grant developers until April 2020 the update of their software for compatibility.
Once the major applications have been updated, users will benefit from increased privacy as well as potential improvements in battery life, depending on the power used by communications applications. background.

This news is from: Masrawy

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