Learn more about "modified" dates for European patrols


Learn more about modified dates & # 39; For the launch of the free pen patrols in Europe, a nice day on our website where we are always eager to offer excellent content of the main reports, we would like to admire our dear visitors in the Arab world and our sincere We follow all the modern news and we are watching and badyzing for the leadership and the news event after the summer of "flaming" thanks to the Russian World Cup, Only 20 days have pbaded The French league will be the first to take off Friday, August 10 with Marseille and Toulouse, and the first round will end Sunday with the defending champion of Paris Saint-Germain. 1965.9003] Like the French, the English Premiership, which is very popular at the same time, will give the kickoff of a meeting between Manchester United and Leicester City at Old Trafford

The First Round of the Premiership will have a meeting between Arsenal and Manchester City in the closing match. 19659003] Italian League and Spain Will be launched the same weekend as August 18, earlier than usual in the last week of the same month.

The Spanish and Italian Federations have not yet published the meetings, but they have established the same starting point. The last of the five major leagues will start on Friday, August 24 with Bayern Munich and Hoffenheim

The transfer market closes at the beginning of this year

and England and Italy change to watch the last day to end the summer transfer, After many requests from coaches Bajla

The transfer market in England will close this season on August 9, a day before the start of the league, which means that the clubs English will not be able to

In Italy, the transfer stamp was signed on August 18 on the eve of the launch of "Syria A."

Spain, France and Germany have not changed the closing dates of the summer transfer market Each year

Clubs to thank everyone who read the news very carefully and we have loved one We are close to the points of view for real leadership. We are always at your best. Ask about the 'modified' dates & # 39; for the launch of the European Free Penetration.We hope that we have been impressed everywhere with you.We have been informed of the 'modified' dates & # 39; for European patrols. Thanks to our free pen site, we do not forget to follow the work of "Lake Weshir" through the social networking pages of our site "free pen – the first pioneer of the Arab region". (function (d) {var js, id = facebook-jssdk # if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement ('script') ; js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1";d.getElementsByTagName('head&; # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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