Lebanese court sentences 11-year-old Lebanese for insulting Egyptian people


A number of Egyptian media published a decision of the Egyptian Criminal Court in the Cairo capital condemning an 11-year prison sentence to a sudden eight-year extension for Lebanese citizen Mona Mtabouh after being convicted of "" Insulting the people "" The court sentenced the woman to three years in prison for "insulting religion" in addition to a fine of 200 pounds and imprisonment for further 3 years and a fine of 500 pounds on charges of publishing a "vile video of public disdain and disdain for religions", and also a fugitive and a fine of 10 thousand and 3 years for insulting the Egyptian people and insulted the President of the Republic The Lebanese citizen sentenced can appeal to the Court of Appeal

Al-Mabtouh posted a video on his profile Facebook In which she spoke about certain attitudes experienced by some citizens during her stay in Egypt, including verbal badual harbadment, contempt and ridicule, in addition to stealing money, but she had uttered a lot of insults and obscenities against Egyptians in general. , What he considered very much [1905] The accused was shot dead and attended the court session with his lawyer, who stated during his argument that his client was suffering from neurological and mental disorders. as a result of his injury. [12] Egyptian media confirmed that the killed defendant broke down in tears and screamed for a moment. Hear the judgment of the court, which She was arrested on May 31 last by the security forces of the Cairo airport, in response to a decision of the Attorney General Nabil Ahmed Sadiq to arrest and d & # 39; arrest Lebanese Mona Mshabouh for publishing a video in which Egyptians were accused of badual harbadment.

Al-Muttbouh had removed the video a few days after its publication on his Facebook page, but the clip he had filmed and published had circulated widely on media platforms. And returned to the slaughterhouse A few days later, in another video clip, she apologized for what she did and told him about the Egyptians, she did not talk about political, she did not make the first video that allowed everyone to see this problem publicly. [25] The case of Mona Al-Muttabouh was brought to the Western media, where the New York Times pointed out the problem. , And criticized the prison sentence all these years against the white tourist The New York Times reported that the tourism sector in Egypt would be the most affected by this issue and this judgment, and that the image of the Egypt on a global scale could be affected by this.

Mona al-Muttabouh was sentenced for "deliberately spreading false rumors aimed at undermining society and attacking religions," but the sentence was suddenly reduced to eight years. According to Egyptian law, "defame and insult the Egyptian people" Banqueting punishable by law. (Function ()

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