Lebanese newspapers published Wednesday 18 / 7-2018 – Al Manar Channel – Lebanon


The main headlines of Lebanese newspapers published in Beirut Wednesday 18-7-2018

The parliamentary consensus on the crisis of paternity
Agreement for the evacuation of the inhabitants of the cities of Fu & aaa and Kafriya in Idlib
(19459009) Aoun: Dialogue with regular Syria
Syrian Jihad renews its youth
Aoun: Regular Dialogue with Syria

The Syrian Army advances in the vicinity of the border with the Golan Heights
Trump faces charges in Washington … and Netanyahu, who demanded the summit
is confident that the commissions will expose the subtleties of the government … The differences in the efficiency of the two administrations show


Did the Trump and Putin agree with the Iranians?

Major General:
The "biting finger" of the government: Who shouts first?

Khairwa Hariri – Bbadil did not open the road to Baabda .. and "Baqa fire" on Ain al-Tinah
15 people killed in raids on Quneitra and ES
A coup d'etat was made in Russia and Turkey.

A coup d'etat was imposed on the country's population. The region and the 2005 attack against Syria have fallen and Lebanon has returned to the line

The Future:
The Future of the Future: Collaborators with the President-Elect and next week
"Satisfied" and "open" communication lines of Hariri
"Steel gates" against Gaza
Trump: I am wrong in Helsinki on Russian intervention in the elections [19659014] Chest:
local newspapers

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