Lebanon has reached the stage of extreme danger even if the council of ministers does not take place on Saturday


The Secretary-General of the Bloc for Development and Liberation, Anwar Al-Khalil, emphasized the importance of political stability in Lebanon, as it is the basis of security, economic and social stability, stressing that we all know that Lebanon has reached the stage of extreme danger even though the Council of Ministers has not met. Last Saturday, international financial rating institutions, with their different names, would have clbadified Lebanon as a rogue state and its rating would have fallen negatively, which would require state borrowing in the international market , subject to very high benefits preventing Lebanon from regaining its economy. .

During his meeting with the delegations of Eid al-Adha, Hebron stressed the importance of national unity through which he is able to cope with various dangers. "The need to preserve coexistence and national constants, and the south will remain the stronghold in the face of Israeli aggression and ambitions, and resistance with the patriotic army will remain in the observatory until the liberation Shebaa Farms, Kfarshuba Hills and the northern part of Ghajar village. "

Al-Khalil called on all those responsible to make all the sacrifices required for the establishment of a strong state, a state of citizenship, a state of institutions and the rule of law. right, and that the priorities of our political behavior should not remain focused on the allocation of private and personal benefits.

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