Lebanon News, Breaking News – After a health nuisance .. A painful message from Maggie Bou Ghosn: We were created to fight and sneeze!


It seems that the health setback suffered by actress Maggie Bou Ghosn before traveling to America with her family has made her see life from a different angle, and has added to her personality more maturity and reconciliation with oneself.

Maggie Bou Ghosn liked to share the lesson she had with her friends on social networks: "19659002

" Life is sweet, so sweet, and God is pbadionate Yes, Katar, the first blessing We let's open our eyes every day and we forget. About us the grace of life and in the people who love us and who are blessed, the grace of family and friends. "

" We created ourselves to be heroes, we fight and fight, we groan and sign, and we come back to stop, as long as health and will are our tears. "

And Maggie said, "They loved something in Shi Beastahl's hate, which led us to sell Shaw Nataru Bakra .. As we grow and deepen the poor and Matnj Jmair simple and we love more and more details .. And thank you God and sweet and bitter.

"The greatest blessing and treasure in my life and my child .. My family, my friends and all lovers .. Oh Lord, Yakhleli Yahan."

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