Lebanon News, Breaking News – Security forces arrest women and children after harassment


After the social media sites were informed of the arrest of a harbaded woman and her child, the Directorate General of Internal Security Forces issued a statement:

"After the mother from an 11 year old Syrian child harbaded, (Born in Syria in 1980) in a complaint against the Basta faction of the Beirut Police Unit, the investigation was conducted and the l & # 39; arrest of the stalker AA (born in 1955 – Lebanese) was carried out.

Management reports that "the detainee is referred to the Office of Combat against Human Trafficking and Moral Protection of the Judicial Police Unit." The child and his mother enjoy a residence permit and have 15 days to reside illegally. Lebanese territory stealthily, on the basis of the reference of the competent magistrature. "

Clarification on the transmission of certain social media concerning the arrest of the harbaded child and his mother # Security Forces pic.twitter.com/z1E5p8f12M

– Internal Security Forces (@LebISF) ] July 14, 2018

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