Lebanon News, Breaking News – Three young women and one man arrested for invading final World Cup stadium


Three women stormed the Luzhinki stadium in Moscow, which hosts Sunday the FIFA World Cup finals between France and Croatia. Olga Korashova, a member of a group that calls for gender equality and belonging to the attackers, told Reuters by phone that she was one of the victims and that she was detained in a police station near the stadium.

Three members of the group were arrested in 2012 as a result of a protest against Russian President Vladimir Putin in a church and have since become an example of anti-Kremlin action.

The two young women stormed the peloton in the second half, dressed in a police uniform with white shirts, pants and black caps, and ran to the Stade de France. With security men wearing bulletproof vests.

Police forces them to land before leaving the stadium: Croatian defender Diane Lofrin is one of the young women before security takes over and the four men are out of the game. The break is suspended in the 52nd minute.

Idiot fans jumped on the field in the middle of the World Cup Final

Job Security. pic.twitter.com/qtrHOD1phE

– Dov Kleiman (@NFL_DovKleiman) July 15, 2018

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