Lebanon suspends evacuation of Syrian camps after wave of anger


Details of this story Lebanon freezes the decision to evacuate Syrian camps after a wave of anger

A decision by the Lebanese authorities to evacuate hundreds of Syrians in four camps in Arsal fears a new displacement of refugees and angry reactions, Business Conduct Nihad Almstnouk to suspend work until a suitable alternative for families.

This is the time to finalize the return of a new batch of refugees, including about 500 people to Qalamoun in the Damascus campaign over the next two days. State Minister for Displaced Affairs Moin al-Marabi revealed that the decision had been made by the Ministry of the Interior, but bureaucratic procedures have delayed the information of concerned parties, Al-Murabi stating that "this is not possible and families can not be displaced without shelter".

Al-Maroubi told Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper that he was discussing with Interior Minister Nihad al-Mashnouq about this and badured him that he would be treated in a manner appropriate to the Lebanese State and the dignity of the refugees.

In his statement issued yesterday afternoon, Al-Mashnouq asked the director general of the internal security forces, General Imad Othman, to suspend the memorandum issued three months ago at the request of the army. Lebanese. Built with concrete and some roofs of Tank, after the news of the beginning of the implementation of the memorandum today, (yesterday).

The postponement was postponed in consultation with Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and the Minister of State for Displaced Affairs, Mouin al-Marabi, and the Mayor of Arsal Basil al-Hajiri until a suitable alternative is found for about 2,000 displaced people living in these camps. "The security forces have clear knowledge and follow-up of all those living in the camps," Hajiri told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

Al-Hujairi pointed out that security forces in the region informed the refugees of his decision without coordination with the municipality, stressing the impossibility of setting up and moving hundreds of families without providing them with housing. Later, other cement camps, under the pretext of preventing resettlement, refused to return to Syria if they were not under the auspices of the United Nations and before d & # 39; obtain guarantees. "We all agree on the need to return, with which refugees are in agreement, but to be safe and to preserve the dignity of families," he said. 2000 families on the street. "

Raad told Al-Sharq al-Awsat that the officer in charge of the internal security forces had informed the refugee representatives that the decision to evacuate included four camps built of cement with about 600 families, pointing out that there were a large number of refugees.Cement rooms built in the 136 camps, which include thousands of families.

Murabi and Al-Hujairi confirmed that a new batch displaced persons would leave Arsal in the next two days, and said that he would set a date for Thursday.After receiving permission from the Syrian authorities, the mayor of Arsal confirmed that 500 more people would leave the city. new batch after being allowed to return to Qalamoun in the Damascus campaign and to leave 400 last week.Now with this move after the positive atmosphere that they have received from their fellow citizens s who left.

He pointed out that the same procedures that were implemented with the lot last week will be followed in the next batch, where the displaced will be able to leave with their belongings, vehicles and cars, following the Lebanese Public Security, which coordinates with the Syrian authorities. In case you have any questions regarding this news, Lebanon freezes the decision to evacuate the Syrian camps after a wave of anger. Please let us know or leave a comment below
Source: Arabs Today

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