LEBANON: The fall of the Maarab agreement is far from the different sizes and the formation of the government requires the creation of a new formula


Pending the return of President-elect Saad Hariri in the coming hours, as well as Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, to advance the formation of the government, the pot was broken between the "Free Patriotic Movement" and the "Forces Lebanese ". Accurate charges between the leaders of the two teams were violated and the provisions left repercussions beyond the Christian relationship to affect the internal political situation as a whole, complicate the formation of the government and undermine the resolution of contractual representation . This was followed by the sending of Information Minister Melhem Riashi to meet the leader of the "free movement", Minister Gebran Bbadil, under the insistence of both parties to maintain reconciliation between the Christians.

The text of the "very secret" agreement signed by Geagea, Bbadil, Minister Melhem Riachi and MP Ibrahim Kanaan in the presence of General Aoun before the declaration of the "forces" of his candidacy for the presidency revealed a detailed and literal agreement on the continuation of parliamentary sessions. Until the after-election: The distribution of Christian seats in the Council of Ministers, Sovereign and Services, is equal in all the governments of the Pact with the share of the President of two ministers in a government of 24 ministers and three in a government of 30 ministers, the approval of the electoral law on proportionality,

The sequence of events this week brought down the media truce and then the agreement of the Arab League , which is the first of its kind,. Wednesday accused Minister Bbadil in a televised "forces" interview that violated the political agreement with the "current" because I reflected his ministers in the government "while we only have to support each other" and accused them of 39, a lack of understanding about the support of Prime Minister President Saad Hariri, etc. He says that the "forces" had three ministers and did not see any problem in getting them for the "current".

Bbadil's words angered the "forces," especially when he said, "This agreement between us can not be imposed. Others have leaked items from him on Thursday in response to a campaign on his words. On Friday night, the "free movement" reacted to the escape clauses by sinking the full text of the agreement, as part of the exchange of charges against those who have it violated before the other.

The Abolition of Others

A neutral political source told Al-Hayat that "the disintegration of rivalry shows that both sides have more disagreement over ministerial seats and quotas and the interpretation "Maarab agreement", which is normal to bring things back into the process of forming a government. The same source agrees with one of the current government ministers to say that the disclosure of the Maghreb agreement explained how much it was to the detriment of other Christians, if not to cancel, or to the detriment of the relationship with other communities of the country, it delineates the communities, the Shiite minority in the field of other forces in the community.

In addition to evaluating the text of the agreement, several sources involved in the formation of the government consider that the peak of the crisis requires an initiative of President Aoun. -ti l in the face of this crisis that hinders the birth of a government that the government of the Covenant considers? The president in charge of his choice is clear that a government of national unity is supported by the "forces" and the "Progressive Socialist Party", which has entered the free movement and President Aoun in a dispute on the druze representation.

A ministerial source believes that getting out of the current crisis requires finding a solution, perhaps a return to the mini-government formulas adopted decades ago and very productive, while a political source observes that the author is a small government of technocrats appointed by political parties.

Parliamentary source in the "free stream" does not hide this vinegar The great political enemy between the two parties ended their alliance "and we must not hide behind our fingers." He acknowledges that "mainstream" contacts do not exclude research in terms of cooperation with other forces in the Christian arena, particularly that contacts are underway with brigades to explore this possibility. "The electoral law allowed each team not to worry about the other and we organized the election with a clear competition.Of course, this will lead to more rigidity in the government's question, but the part of the "forces" will eventually be four ministers without sovereign portfolio and the kashash will be worn around the wallets.On the one hand, the "forces" in their circles of leaders believe that Bbadil has aborted what Aoun and Ja & # 39; I agreed, and the latter took the first advice to communicate with Basil in preparation for their meeting. "We were against the ships and we against Hariri when we criticized the government for not having applied Hezbollah restraint, which "It ended in our support for the resignation of the Prime Minister when the consensus was renewed on self-denial." "Bbadil can not abuse forces in his campaign, and he claims that he is l & # 39 oppressed while she was oppressed and kept silent. "

A source that closely follows the relationship between the" current "and the" forces "

– The position of" forces "on ministerial representation in government is based on a clear written agreement on the division of ministerial positions.

– Bbadil has not kept his signature and his commitments since the election and the coup d'Aoun, And support for the Pact as it began

– Bbadil adopts duplication in the treatment of allies. , The other agrees to agreements with other parties, and contrary to the content, including the agreement Mikhael Mar with "Hezbollah" in 2006.

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