Lebanon's festivals culminated with 3 concerts at a time


The night of Lebanon on Saturday night was marked by three major simultaneous concerts, each with its own audience, fans and language. While Mohamed Assaf and Maestro Hisham Gabr met at Baalbeck Castle with Arab lovers of the year 90 years after the birth of Abdel Halim Hafez, the French audience of Beiteddine Festivals remembered the legend Barbara with the voice of his great actor Gérard Dubardieu, accompanied by a pianist. Jibrar Daguerre, Walid Jumblatt's deputy and his wife, Noura, president of the festivals, will receive him during the celebration of the French star.

At the same time, a third major festival in Lebanon, the Byblos Festival, hosted an English group, a huge BBC production of 50 musicians and six singers, which presented to a large audience the most beautiful songs of the English-language Quinn, And is one of the most famous British teams alongside the Beatles.

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