Lentil Moon Lunar Travel Journalists, "Nahar"


The inhabitants of the Earth follow the lunar eclipse and the al-Nahar correspondents transmit a collection of images of all Lebanese regions to the journey of the eclipse

Photograph of Sakun Picardian [19659003] Photograph of Ali Awadah

Photograph of Zeina Karout

Photograph of Marwan Assaf

(19459006) Photograph of Marwan Assaf

[1945900] Photograph of Marwan Assaf

In the governorate of # 39; Akkar, many photographers are spread in different areas between the coast and the high peaks so as not to miss this rare astronomical phenomenon, even on Zahle. [1945] The Martyr – Portrait of Michel Halaq Photograph of Michel Hala The Moon and Mars – Photograph by Michel Halaq

[1945900] [1945900] [1945900] [1945900]] Photograph of Michel Halaq

The Moon of Zahle

Photograph of Daniel Khayat

The Moon and Mars of Ehden

Photograph of Tony Franjieh

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