To expand/ Researchers have discovered that lunar dust is far more dangerous than previously thought and may be related to the chemicals badociated with lung cancer.
"Lunar dust represents one of the many dangers that humans face when they perform tasks on the surface," the researchers wrote in their study at the American Geophysical meeting. Union in Washington, DC.
Donald Hendricks of Stony Brook University studied lunar dust samples from astronauts. The researchers immersed olefin (olivine) and iguanite (two hydrangeas found on the moon) in a liquid mimicking human lung fluid.
The team discovered that these compounds contain minerals known to interact rapidly with human cells and generate toxic hydroxyl molecules badociated with lung cancers.
After 15 minutes, the two compounds called "hydroxyl" about 9 times more per liter of fluid than "quartz", a highly toxic compound.
"Spilled dust particles containing olivine, within other mineral phases, remain in the human lung longer and can therefore have long-term health effects," the researchers said.To expand. It is important to understand the effects of lunar dust on astronauts if dust suppression methods prove insufficient in future missions. Our work also promotes understanding of the chemical properties of the interaction with lunar dust, which can lead to medical advances in treating people exposed to lunar dust. "
Previous experts have warned astronauts, likely to spend long periods on the moon, that they would be likely to suffer damage to the DNA caused by dust breathing.
A study published earlier this year by the American Geophysical Union revealed that lunar soil is toxic to brain and lung cells.
The team concluded that "chronic or long-term effectsTo expand For such exposure to dust, could be a problem for future missions. "
The moon's floor is continually exposed to the radiation of charged bodies from the upper layers of the sun, which traverse the space, making the lunar soil electrically charged.
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