Live broadcast of the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century next Friday


Citizen – Said Al-Hatla – Riyadh

Director of the International Center for Astronomy, the engineer Mohamed Shawkat Odeh, called Friday night for the broadcast of the eclipse on the chain YouTube sponsored by the Emirates Space Agency. Organized by the International Center of Astronomy in Abu Dhabi Friday night from 8pm to 1am to monitor the total lunar eclipse and monitor many planets using the telescope in the Corniche Street dining room facing the ADNOC Building at the end of Arabian Gulf Street. He emphasized that the activity will begin with minutes

The world attends from Friday evening to Saturday to the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century, and to the duration of the total eclipse of the 39, hour and night. The total lunar eclipse of this century took place on April 4, 2005 and the total eclipse was 4 minutes 48. The Arab world, especially the eastern region, would be one of the best regions of the world to observe eclipses, and the eclipse would be fully visible

The moon will begin to enter the semi-shaded region of the region The partial eclipse will begin at 22:24 and the total eclipse will begin to 23:30. The eclipse will reach its peak at 22:22 Saturday, UAE time. The total eclipse will end at 1:15. : 12h, while the partial eclipse will end at 2:19, and that the moon will emerge from the semi-shadow and that the eclipse will end completely at 3:29 Saturday

The eclipse still occurs when the moon is full moon, the moon shines from east to sunset and remains visible in the sky until it wakes up in the west at sunrise time. sun, and when the eclipse is the sun and We do not see it at the time of the total eclipse in theory, but in reality the moon does not disappear at the time of the total eclipse due to the refraction of the sun from the edges of the Earth because of the atmosphere of the Earth. And these rays go to the moon and then to the moon in bright colors like yellow, orange or red

The observer usually does not notice any difference on the brightness of the moon in the 30- Last 45 minutes of the eclipse

What distinguishes this day from eclipse is that Mars will be in the same day

When the planet, the earth and the sun converge on a straightness, the earth is in the middle, which means that the sun and the planet are opposite in the sky, so the phenomenon is called the opposite, the sun disappears to the west, but the planet shines from the Is, and the planet remains at the same time in the sky.

The most important thing is that the planet is as close as possible to the Earth, which can be seen as the Earth.

On the other hand, Cook can monitor Venus is the most brilliant object in the sky after the sun and the moon, where it appears as a very bright white object, and can be seen at the # 39 naked eye in daylight if the observer knows his position in the sky at this time.

Jupiter can also be spotted, the most brilliant object in the sky after the sun, the moon and Venus.The buyer looks like a very bright white mole, and is currently located on the south side after sunset.The four brightest moons can be seen for the buyer. His record is like tropical belts.

These are the glittering planets in the sky at this time

The International Center for Astronomy will direct all the phenomenon of the eclipse on the central channel on YouTube to here . For more information, call 0509090895






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