Liverpool under pressure to win titles


Liverpool coach Juergen Klopp said the team would feel more optimistic about winning the championship this season after its encouraging move in the transfer market.

The German coach is preparing to lead the team for the third season in a row, but is still looking for his first title despite the development since taking charge in 2015.
He told reporters in New York, where Liverpool will continue his tour before the season: "We must first play to give us the chance to win a championship.We will not talk about winning before the start of the season. season. "

Liverpool won its 18th league title in the 1989-90 season, while not winning a championship since the 2011-2012 League Cup.

Club led the team to qualify for last three games, but lost in 2016 in the League Cup against Manchester City on penalties, the final of the European league 3-1 against Sevilla, and the same result lost in the final of the Champions League against Real Madrid.

Liverpool finished the league last season in fourth place, 25 points behind City, and the team missed the bench enough during the season.

The team has four players this summer: Alesson Roma, Napa Keita of Razzin Bal Sport Leipzig, Fabenio of Monaco and Sheridan Shakiri of Stoke City.

The Club hopes the new contracts will help the team adapt to its style and avoid a record 12 league games last season.
"It's not that the level needs to be firmer, but we need to create an atmosphere that makes us more stable," said the 51-year-old club. "There is no team that offers consistent performance with 11 players." We are expecting more from ourselves, we will try to compete for the league and all the championships, but that does not mean that I can stay here and win titles. "

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