Liverpool's defeat prompted him to sign a Croatian defender


Liverpool is looking to strengthen its ranks with a separate Croatian deal during the summer transfer period, especially after a friendly defeat against Borussia Tortmund on Tuesday.

Sky Sports, quoting Turkish reports, Liverpool will pbad to sign Dumagué Vida, a defender Besiktas, to be next to his compatriot Diane Lovrin.

The RIA will travel to Turkey in the coming period to complete the 29-year-old defender, the network said.
Vida appeared with Lofrin in the defense of Croatia at the World Cup 2 (Besiktas has already rejected 20 million pounds of West Ham, and the leadership of the Turkish club also received the offer of 39; Everton to include the Croatian player "Loyaltalp" Bishkek wants 27 million pounds, in order to give up the services of Domagui Veda. "

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