Long eclipse and 'attempt of the snake to swallow the moon'


The world witnessed a total loss of the moon Sunday night in a cosmic phenomenon that occurs for the second time this year: The eclipse lasted an hour and 43 minutes during the longest eclipse period of the last 100 years. Dr. Hattam Odeh, director of the National Institute of Astronomical Research, said the institute had opened its doors to the public to observe this unique event seen by the earth and added that the third eclipse will take place in January, highlighting that the eclipse began at 19:15. Entered the semi-arid region and finished at 1:20 yesterday in the longest period of the total lunar eclipse.


Horoscopes at the Louvre Museum

In ancient history, the ancient Egyptians were interested in the observation of astronomical phenomena: since ancient times, the Pharaohs looked at the sky and did not look at the stars and their paths. "The peoples of the ancient Egyptian civilization saw what the world saw yesterday, observing and observing the total eclipses of the moon, observing them and documenting them on the walls of their temples and tombs in the historic cities of Africa. 39; Egypt. " Thousands of years ago, we find the French Louvre Museum According to an Egyptian study of researcher Amira Abdul Hadi published on the occasion of the longest lunar eclipse of the world in the twenty-first century, the texts of the Ancient Egypt and the paintings of the walls of the temples and cemeteries indicate that the eclipse occurs when the serpent tries "The moon must be devoured according to their belief: the ancient Egyptians knew the phenomenon of the eclipse because they knew fourteen faces of the moon recorded by their temples and their graves that strike in the depths of history.


The goddess Notte and symbolizes the sky

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