Look how Nadine Al-Rassi received the admiration of "Maqamah". Video!


News of the day Art News: Watch how Nadine Al-Rbadi received the admiration of "Maqamah" .. Video! News source – Akhbar Al Youm – The portal with the details of the news has seen how Nadine Al Rbadi has received the admiration of "Maqamah" .. Video!

Al-Yawm – Wednesday, July 4, 2018 Lebanese actress Nadine Al-Rbadi posted her video on Instagram for her own account in the video of the moment she received one of her fans. .

Alia is a girl who lives in London and decides to travel from London to Lebanon to fulfill her dream of meeting her dear star, and she praises these gentlemen for welcoming her, kissing her and welcome them in a special way.

Al-Rbadi was recently victim of a new attack after appearing in the Balkans to support the Lebanese team in a basketball game, despite the fact that it was not the first once the head was shown in Beijing.

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