Lunar moon eclipse on January 21, 2022


Residents of the Americas and parts of Europe and West Africa are waiting for the night of January 20-21, 2022.

In Africa and Europe, nocturnal eclipses will occur before sunset. It will be less visible east of these two continents due to the sunrise. The inhabitants of the Americas, from north to south, will see eclipses in the middle of the night.

The phenomenon of eclipses occurs when the earth is in a straight line between the sun and the moon and the light moves away from it.

According to NASA, the full moon will enter the surface of the Earth at 3:34 GMT and will be completely decimated from 4:41 GMT.

When the eclipse is over, the moon does not disappear completely, it looks red.

The reason is that the sun's rays do not reach it directly, but only part of the red rays that enter the earth's atmosphere and reflect on the moon.

This is the same phenomenon that causes the color red at sunrise and sunset.

Europe will have an appointment with a complete eclipse on May 16, 2022. Until then, you will see molecular debris.

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