Maarab Agreement: What is it and what is it, and after? The Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last updated: 1 hour ago

Source: The Journal of the Lebanese Republic – Charles Jabbour


Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 188

The experience gained since the The election of General Michel Aoun as President of the Republic has shown that the limits of understanding between the Lebanese forces and the free patriotic movement do not exceed the limits of the organization. lack of the intention of Minister Bbadil to translate the planned partnership to the agreement Thus, from the first moment was repudiation of the agreement did not apply anything of it. What the "forces" did in some appointments was not part of the agreement that provided for equality, but because it was an influential political force that was not could be completely ignored.

The agreement ended with the elec Aoun's presidency, And published its content, which should have been published mainly, and what has been published is the practical aspect of the two-step political divide announced in the document "Declaration of "Intentions" and the appointment of General Aoun to Maarab. This aspect concerns the dimensions of the sovereign and the economic, economic and external reform, and therefore the vision of all national and political issues, and so can not be separated from the political aspect of the application. The goal is to have a Christian reference within the state, similar to the Shia, Sunni and Druze reference, and this approach is not retroactive because some voices are "progressive" but realistic and necessary and related to the image of the country and its composition, There is an urgent need for a reference of this type after the great imbalance in the structure of the state, and therefore the purpose of this step is not to cancel this team that can, for example, surpbad former MP Suleiman Franjieh in Zghorta or elsewhere. : Every Christian is informed that there is a political reference to enter and embrace the state and inform him that, like the others, he speaks here in general and not on all employees and positions.

The second objective is to adopt a clear and transparent mechanism. Calculators and extortion, which is All infection is extended to all other sects because the priority of the Christian reference is not the selection of those that are suitable for it, but the choice of the most effective and protective in the world. exercise of its function that must be exercised in the interest of the state and nothing else

Talking about power sharing is unpopular, but on the ground things are quite different, like evidenced by the fact that the agreement did not apply, and even if it applied, the example of the party "Falange" for the government if the mbad of 8 deputies could be excluded. Basil who refused to share the "troops" signed by M

The elections showed the first and second popular results that the Christian environment is separated between two fundamental forces and other partisan forces or As a result, the reasons for this agreement were and are still in place, but Minister Bbadil's calculations overturned this understanding: if, for example, joint working groups were formed, many misunderstandings would have occurred. been overcome in more than one file

. "Troops" Oppose Sia The main purpose of this statement is to avoid the understanding of Ma 'Arab neither more nor less, as the difference has remained within the limits of government records and what is different, for example, the position of "forces" on Hezbollah's position in the electricity or naturalization file. Files, and therefore why has not accused the party of what he has accused of "forces"?

The refusal to form a joint committee or joint committees is a return to the refusal to recognize the principle of partnership, because such a mechanism turns them into a single working group, Minister Bbadil was not, In parallel with his refusal to coordinate with the "forces", he sought to converge with Prime Minister Hariri to encircle the national, political and governmental "forces" by expelling them to their natural national depth. With only four or five deputies But everything that happened was part of a clear scenario aimed at inflating Bbadil's mbad and reducing the mbad of "forces". And is he still talking about his strange and strange alliances in the elections to get the widest possible representation?

Surrounding the "forces" is in unraveling his alliance with the "Future" first, and weaken it in the second elections, and reduce it in the third government, while the government track put Minister Bbadil has the choice between two options: either return to engineering As stipulated in the agreement, which stipulates a balance between "forces" and "free flow" regardless of the size of each party, as this was the case in the current government under 8 deputies of the "forces" and about 24 deputies of the "reform and change" Plus three ministers for the president of the republic S & # 39; he wants to disavow the agreement, he can only not count the president's share outside the bloc of the alliance, since it is normal that his share be part of his bloc, and therefore the minister must choose

Distinguish his relationship with President Aoun and his relationship with Minister Bbadil, and affirms that his support for the Pact in The meeting between Dr. Geagea and the President was more than successful and he drew up a roadmap to translate its effects, but the shock came from continuing the attack against the "forces" as if the Baabda meeting had not taken place. 19659012] In parallel with the good relations with the President of the Republic, no bet on the separation of relations between Geagea and the Prime Minister-designate will be realized, and the vibration of their relationship will be apparent in a summer transit. , Hariri sticks to the limit This is not true that he abandoned his role Because the disagreement is not with him, but between Bbadil on the one hand and Ja & J; and Jumblatt on the other hand, and because there is no question of proposing a de facto arrangement that gives Geagea and Jumblatt as Bbadil, he acted as mediator between Aoun on the one hand and Ja & # 39; ja & # 39; To try to bring the views of each group closer and remove the climbing escalation and prepare the formation of the future government, but the deliberate escalation of Minister Bbadil has reversed everything.

Does this mean that the author will be delayed? Prime Minister Hariri will not compose at the expense of the "forces" and the "socialist" The doors of the solution are present when the doors of the dialogue that will be reopened by the president-elect will soon be reopened.The lifting of the ceilings does not help no.If someone wants to follow the policy finger, his fingers will regret this time. It is in his interest to engage in a realistic and serious dialogue, especially as what "forces" and "socialists" offer is reality.

Regarding the Maarab agreement, it has not been implemented. Work on this agreement and apply it in its text and spirit, although this is unlikely But the relationship between the "forces" and Minister Bbadil will be governed by their presence under the roof of a government, and so their cooperation on the piece as it was, and the recent clash indicates that Bbadil can not leave, and that the ceiling of the dispute has arrived And the dialogue between them can come back at any time when Basile knows that the "forces" essentially comprise that no one can politically decide on the other, and therefore the interest of Christians and Lebanese to organize their dispute, and political cooling should not be the title of the scene. The Powers

The scene of conflict and disagreement will not change anything during fatherhood or the relationship between the "forces" and the "current," but the path of conflict can sometimes be an opportunity to generate solutions and outputs. Let's start with the government and not with the organization of the conflict between the "forces" and Minister Bbadil, excluding the revival of the relationship and the text of the alliance in the presidential strategy of Bbadil, but the balance of terror imposes. The same thing to cancel A promising period for the second phase of President Aoun's reign after the formation of the next government: the opening of confrontations is the first hurdle at the time

Source: The newspaper of the Lebanese Republic Charles Jabbour

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