Mafia generators impose prices. The numbers are not good news!


Renny wrote my award in the newspaper "Republic" under the title "Mafia generators who tax citizens": "It seems that the owners of private generators are trying to exploit the citizens as much as possible before the meter installation deadline

The rise in the price of diesel in recent months has increased the burden of hours of electricity rationing during the summer, and made rise the price of monthly subscriptions to producers, which have reached an unprecedented precedent, where D

The Ministry of Energy and Water determines the monthly rate of subscriptions of private generators on the basis of A scale approved since 14/10/2010. [20.600 litres] at the end of each month, and the rate of cutting hours in all Lebanese regions, after calculating all the costs and benefits and the generator costs in addition to a good e profit margin for owners.

Electrical Energy for Electricity Subscribers

However, in a simple survey conducted by the "Republic" on the prices disseminated by a sample of municipalities to citizens, it is important to note that there is no need for electricity. turns out that most of them do not respect the prices of the Ministry of Energy. To justify the rise in the price of producer subscriptions

Returning to the prices of the last few months, it turned out that the price of producer subscriptions increased automatically, due to the increase in hours of cuts of electricity due to additional rationing by EDL during the summer,

Then, the hours of power cuts increased from March to June, from 195 hours per month to 235 hours per month . On the other hand, the price of green fuel oil rose from 17,342 LL in March to 20,090 LBP in June 1965. The official prices of private generators for subscribers increased by 5 amps, from 69,920 LBP in April to 85,050 LL .

However, despite rising prices due to the increase in rationing, some municipalities have not taken into account the increase in the monthly financial burden of citizens, but deliberately more, Either in collusion with producers who are themselves heads of municipalities or members in municipal councils, or due to negligence.

Ministry of the Economy
In this context, after numerous complaints to the Ministry of Economy and Trade regarding irregularities in producer prices,

After Minister Raed Khoury was informed of these irregularities and following complaints from citizens, the Minister of Economy and Trade sent a letter to the Ministry of Economy and Trade

The Director General of Ministry of Economy and Trade, Alia Abbas, has confirmed to the "Republic" the receipt of complaints from the Ministry of Economy about some municipalities that do not respect the Ministry's prices. Energy "and the threshold of calculation". It is unfortunate that some of the owners of the generators are the mayors and members of the municipal councils who violate the official prices.

She notes that when the ministry investigates the owners of the generators, "they say that it is the municipality that sets the price. But the Ministry of Energy is responsible for calculating the number of hours of power cuts per month. "

Abbas also pointed out that" some municipalities help citizens in this regard, by imposing fair or lower prices set by the ministry. Energy, while other municipalities intervene negatively in support of their interests especially by increasing the number of hours of power outage. She said that this was happening in all Lebanese regions, while the treatment of each municipality is different for its citizens in the same region.

On the other hand, and on the obligation of producers to install the meters, Abbas said that before next October,

A meeting will be held today with the producers to inform them of the lack of tolerance of the Ministry of Economy on this subject and to communicate to the citizens through the media a communication in order to inform them of their right to claim. Installation of meters.

The Municipal Trusteeship Authority is responsible for overseeing the work of the municipalities and encouraging them to comply with the Ministry of Energy's prices until the time of setting up the meters and the salvation of citizens against ruthless generative mafias. Some cities:

Jounieh 130,000 lire
Lager 135,000 lire
Jbeil 125,000-140,000 lire
Balsalim 150,000 lire
Beit Mery 125,000 lire

The new reading of 140 000
Hammoud Tower 120,000 lire
Zakrit 120,000 lire
The sabbatical period 130,000 lire
Hazmia 110,000
Zgharta 125,000 lire
Southern suburbs 130,000 lire
Meghdushah – Zahrani 130,000 lire
Manifestation 130,000 lire

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