Maggie Buggson is baffled by the name of Yakhur with a well-placed and lively question in the air.


Maggie Buggson, his friend on behalf of Yajor, was shocked by a shocking question in which he was deeply embarrbaded, directly on the airwaves and in front of the cameras, causing him to stagger and lose understanding.

The question was whether Yajour had told his wife about the romantic relationship she had had in the past, as she did when she informed her husband of all the details of the case.

In a simple and spontaneous way, the Lebanese artist Bougusnon told his Syrian colleague Yajour, during his program broadcast "Aqlnaha", a shocking question in which a lot of embarrbadment occurred directly in front of the cameras, him Losing the floor and making her lose the ability to absorb moments, "During my presence in Syria, romantic relationships have become a reality, we agreed what we say in the end, recently announced the secret to my husband, who knows the subject? "

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San Jakhur met for a moment because of this unforeseen question, which he did not expect. Then he replied, "I did not understand the question.

After realizing that she was able to "embarrbad" her colleague, Yajour, before he was embarrbaded by his "eating" program, she revealed to the audience that her question was just a joke , saying, "I'm sure I'm joking with you and I'm not asking the question, Rafqa and other brothers," and rebadure him that his wife learned that this plot had occurred with him in the program.

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