Maggie Buggson reassures the public about her health


Maggie Bogson

Maggie Bogson has badured the public of her health condition and has released a voice recording on one of her own pages on social networking sites.

Maggie said: "Thank you for every invitation and all your wishes, I want to badure you that I am a thousand and one good separation from God, cut the difficult stage, God willing, my situation is good."

She added: "I wish you, with all my heart, health and all that is beautiful, thank God, you have gone through a very difficult stage and the establishment of God, I will be with you as the first and the best."

Thank you for everything .. I miss you# Maggie_bo_gosn

– Maguy Bou Ghosn (@MaguyBouGhosn) August 4, 2019

The message of the Lebanese artist Maggie Bogson after recently undergoing a small operation to the head to remove a benign tumor, then enter the intensive care unit before moving to a special room where she received a group of colleagues from the artistic community who rushed to support them with love and affection.

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