Mai warns his party: either support me or risk not to break up


British Prime Minister Teresa May warned her fractured party of the possibility of a "secession from the EU" because of MPs attempts to undermine her plans to establish close ties with the EU after withdrawal

. The end of this week is simple, we must focus on the price. If we do not, we risk not separating from the EU. "

This candid link between the fate of the EU and its personal successes shows the gravity of its position after the US government entered the crisis.

Less than nine months before the planned date of the Britain's withdrawal from the European Union on March 29, 2019, the country and its political elites and business leaders remain deeply divided over the required output form

Can express a message to Dozens of pro-secession militants within his own party, whom they have undermined his leadership position, they risk squandering the victory of the European Union, which they have been waiting for decades. Some secessionists fear an agreement linking Britain to the rules of the Union and only represent a nominal departure from the bloc. [65] May's stance is further weakened by Trump, who says in an interview with Robert Murdoch's Sun newspaper. s United States, the world's largest economy after the release.

Mai said that Trump had already advised him to sue the EU rather than engage in exit negotiations with him. She said on BBC television: "He told me that I should sue the EU … pursue it and not bargain."

After several hours of talks, he seemed to win the support of the government, but two days later David Davis As Minister for the exit of the European Union, Boris Johnson resigned the next day as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Can call the country to support its plan of "smooth transition", saying that it is the only option to avoid undermining peace in Northern Ireland and maintaining the unity of the United Kingdom.

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