Makeup to suit the colorful dresses in the style of Najwa Karam


The colorful and luminous dresses of the Lebanese star Najwa Karam, in which she captures the attention of the public during her concerts, are complemented by a bright and attractive makeup that adds to the appeal of her presence and in the elegant colors of her feminine and charming dresses.

Najwa Karam with Purple Makeup

Bright and bright colors are appropriate to the characteristics of Lebanese star Najwa Karam, who chose in her latest makeup a purple dress with a similar color. She focused on lilac eye shadow with shiny bronze and her eye-catching eyes with lylaner and black eyeliner without extending her outer lines. She also completed her makeup with a crimson purple color that emphasized the beauty of her lips. 39, a charming and charming way.

  Fine </strong></h2>
<p dir= Najwa Karam is skilled at choosing makeup colors that suit the colors of her different dresses that shine on her. And we notice that she has managed in this way to break the color of her white dress by stepping towards a strong and prominent makeup that gave Lokha a contrasting color balance. The light shadows smoked under the eyebrow were adopted, while all of her black eyelids remained black with kohl, reflecting the strength and daring in her eyes, and was replaced by a natural floral color on his lips, with a charming look

  Makeup Najwa Karam

With the bright blue dress, she turned to the soft makeup of the floral hues and the prominent kohl that formed her beautiful eyes, without removing the false eyelashes, and finished her look with a soft pink rose .

  Najwa Karam

The bright bronze shades received the characteristics of Sun Song X

  Najwa Karam Makeup

I saw in the attached album how Najwa Karam was coordinated her makeup with the colors of her dresses, and inspired her to make her dress with the colors of her dresses.

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