Mar Charbel is imbued with God … Miracle, testimony and prayer of a child – Faraj Abaji


On the third Sunday of July, the desire is full of believers who come from Lebanon and abroad for three days in the morning until the early hours of dawn.

The feast of St. Charbel is not an ordinary holiday. It is a treat for anyone who finds a boss in times of adversity, pain and hardship. A sea of ​​men sweeps the sanctity of Saint Charbel and the citadel of Saint-Maron, seeking the strength to submit and walk with the light of faith, and to ask forgiveness to wash again what has been corrupted by hatred and sin. The Lord and his mother intercede with the intercession of Saint Charbel for spiritual healing first, and then physical. Nobody comes back disappointed with "father" Sharbel, nobody. What is required is one thing: to be brought with absolute faith to receive forgiveness and blessing, and undoubtedly return a moment for the Lord's will not to be fulfilled. Everything in Annaya prays, stone, humans, nature. Everyone here glorifies and arrives. Everything in his own way.

St. Charbel … Droy in God

The Lebanese monk, Father Joseph Mons, who reflects in his writings, his prayers and his life the virtues of Saint Charbel, and despite his suffering from a difficult process that he undergoes recently, he does not wants to tell the "day" a little conversation about Saint Charbel. Python. "" Saint Charbel is not a social phenomenon to disappear, it is the example of Jesus who hid to glorify the name of God, and today this saint is next to anyone who needs him. "He said:" Saint Charbel did nothing but keep quiet and pray, and lived a lonely abstraction and austerity in the hermitage, drowned in God he lived the truth and not the social lie. "

Sharbel does not rest

Saint Charbel does not rest before his birthday. The office of the monastery of Annaya keeps recording the wonders of the holy saint with the blessing of the Lord. The Lebanese monk, Father Louis Matar, who for nearly 40 years wrote the saint's miracles in the register of the monastery, says that "Sharbel does not rest". Whoever enters into me to record what the Lord has accomplished with the intercession of Saint Charbel weeps for joy, the earth does not help and leaves no evidence but comes to prove the difficulty of his suffering and how he heals from sickness and pain through the intercession of St. Annaya.

His miracles reach everyone

Fr. Matar tells us of a miracle that occurred to an Austrian woman: "She was suffering from a serious illness and was not leaving a doctor except her ministry." One day, her neighbor told her, "Nobody can not heal you except Saint Charbel, His club and ask him to heal. And so he had. When she was alone in the house, she took the picture of the saint and put it on her lap, she screamed and shouted: Sharbel opened her eyes, she shouted again … The third time, Sharbel's eyes shut up and she felt something had happened to her. The doctor, cured of his incurable disease. "He later returned from Austria to Annaya with all the medical evidence that proves the miracle.

We are proud of our faith … and pray to those whom we love not

During the preparation of the report, we arrested a family of Lebanese expatriates in Australia, who was visiting Annaya while on vacation in Beirut. "We can not visit Lebanon and not come to this holy place," Paul Saab told us, "we are proud of our faith and the faith of our ancestors." I want my children to live this faith and to recognize St. Anaya.

A little girl named Elia is gone, accompanied by her sisters and her mother. "I will not tell anyone what I asked Saint Charbel," she said to her mother Maha. When I asked her why she was visiting the hermitage, she smiled and replied, "Praying with Saint Charbel for those I love and those I do not like."

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