Maronite Patriarch calls on the United Nations to overturn the Israeli Knesset's decision



The Maronite Patriarch, Bishara al-Ra'i, called on the United Nations to overturn the decision of the last Israeli Knesset to declare Israel a nation-state for the Jews. "The Hebrew language is the official language."

The Knesset's decision also considers that "the whole, unified Jerusalem is the capital of Israel" and that "Hebrew is the official language".

He emphasized that this decision is unacceptable and unacceptable, as it excludes Christian and Islamic religions, "as excludes our people" We have parishes, people, institutions and people, the Jewish people and the countries that support him do not have the right to persist in aggression and exclusion. "We call the United Nations Organization for Human Rights, And the Council of Security must issue a resolution that invalidates the shameful and discriminatory decision of the Knesset on democracy, globalization and the coexistence of nations and peoples, and reaffirms the relevant previous international resolutions. "

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