Meet preachers who married artists before "Chery" and "Moez"


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The marriage of famous preacher Moez Masoud of actress Sherri Adel sparked a wave of controversy across social networking sites because of the different cultures between them.

Chery's "Moez" wedding was not the first among the preachers and artists, but it happened with some of the artists as follows:

Madiha Yusri and Sufi Qutb:
L & Madiha Yusri artist attended religious meetings organized by Sheikh Ibrahim Salama Radi – the founder of the Chazal Method – after experiencing this world through her sister.

She asked him to offer her a wife and after many discussions, he was surprised to tell her that she wanted to marry him.

She said in a TV interview that she was surprised by her request: "You can stay surprised by my request,

After a week of reflection, the artist accepts the request of Sheikh But and announces in a statement to the media that she is retiring from the art and is devoting herself to her husband.

After the end of the honeymoon The artist has become her husband, Sheikh, because of his desire to wear the hijab and to stay away from the art He told him, "Min said that my wife needs to work like this, faith in the heart, and that & ### Allah forgives whoever he wants without shying away, Blash speaks to us in the subject Dhani Hanim, if you want to maintain your personal decision and your conviction.

The Sheikh responded to Madiha's desire to withdraw from the game. said, "Behold, Hanan, you are transmitting a national message to your country by the representation and the programs you are showing This message is also imp that my religious message.

But after 3 years, the famous artist learned that her husband had returned to his first wife, and because of his knowledge, she did not deny the sheikh and insisted on the divorce. The Sheikh had already applied his request.

Sabah and Ahmed Farraj
Lebanese singer Sabah Islam and her wedding of announcer Ahmed Farraj – the presenter of the program "Nour on light" religious.

The "Farrag" was known to pour But Ahmed Farag warned in the morning, as the need to be the wife of a religious leader, the refusal to offer alcohol to his guests, the refusal to present dance songs and the non-inclusion of his films on kisses.

But after a period of marriage, Sabah did not agree with the nature of her husband, so the separation was announced, but at a famous meeting she announced that she was not married. she regretted the decision to divorce

Laila Alawi and Mohamed El-Ajouz
The old man is called "thank you" and it is said that the famous singer was me

The old woman met Laila Alawi with the # And admired her beauty and asked her to get married but rejected the idea and said that she came from another world than hers

. We are proud to present to you all the new and important sources of information that we have moved. (Learn more about the preachers who married artists before Chery and Moez,), and the source is responsible for news health or not.
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