Mick Jagger sings and returns to the Venice Film Festival


The British rock star Mick Jagger is back in Venice at the Venice Film Festival where he will perform in September "The Brent Orange Hairy", a thriller on the art.

The film is directed by the Italian Giuseppe Cabotondi, adapted from a novel of the same name to the American Charles Wilford. He is Canadian Canadian Donald Sutherland, Klais Bang of Denmark, and Australian Elizabeth Debeke, the organizers said.

Mick Jagger, the leader of the Rolling Stones, celebrated his 76th birthday Sunday in Chicago with his US tour of New Filter Tour, which stopped two months ago due to health problems.

The star is rebadembled at the scene after the operation to change a valve in the heart.

Upon his return to the cinema, Jagger plays the role of a wealthy art collector, Jerome Debney, who will propose to a lover a meeting with Debney in exchange for the theft of a chef-d'enl work of his professional.

The film is presented on September 7th at the world premiere at the end of the festival.

The world rock star has also participated in a dozen feature films, the most recent of which is George Hickenloper's "The Man Fur Eleanzial Field" (2001).

Jagger was at the center of the 2008 Rolling Stones documentary, "Shine A Light", directed by American Martin Scorsese.

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