Mifadoun residents protest against the decision to reopen the landfill between their city and Shukin for a week – Al Manar TV – Lebanon


Mifadun City residents held a sit-in in the Mifadun-Shoukin-Nabatieh triangle to protest the decision of Nabatieh Ahmed Mezher's emergency judge to reopen the landfill between their city and the city from Shouqin.

Ibrahim Rathil delivered a speech in which he said that "the landfill is a disaster for us, and the land is originally located in the land owned by Shukin real estate, but it Negatively affects and is harmful to the people of the village. Mayfdon "The judge's decision is surprising, even though the expert revealed yesterday in the discharge and was unable to submit his report."

"The opening of the landfill is unacceptable, and the opening of the landfill will cause great damage to the population, and we, the municipality, will support in all their claims."

Ali Suleiman said, "The landfill is destined for many villages and towns.Its wastes and is intolerable and has turned the area to the dump at the point of cancer after the nature of Gna

. Protesters then blocked the Mevidon-Nabatiyeh road for more than a quarter of an hour before the internal security forces reopened it after they had it destroyed. 39, between them decided to stay in the area to prevent the opening of the dump.

The judge of urgent affairs in Nabatiyeh al-Qadi Ahmed Mezher made a decision this morning: "The implementation of the second point of the decision rendered by this court on June 26, 2018 for a week and the reopening of the landfill site for a week only until tuesday July 17, 2018 at 12 o'clock will be suspended and will be completely closed by the continued until the municipality of Mayfadun, after having introduced the expert Hussein Mahfouz Sands for his report in the latest deadlines, will either decide to completely and completely close the discharge, or to meet the demand.

He also decided "to avoid any waste incineration at the aforementioned landfill And underlining the expert's note Hussein Mahfouz Ramal and his mandate Submit his report within a maximum period of time". one week from the date of this resolution on the pretext of replacing it and underline a memorandum to the Nabatieh faction to work to enforce the contents of this decision for the period specified therein. "

Source: National Agency for Information

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