Minister of Health Dispute between pharmacists and nurses


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Minister of Health Disputes between pharmacists and nurses, Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 14:02

After insulting pharmacists and praising nursing, the Minister of Health causes a crisis and differences between nurses and pharmacists. Unions enter the front line. A member of the Union of Pharmacists reveals the details of the crisis.

In the last few hours, after the recent attack on pharmacists and calling them unqualified, the nursing team entered the front line with pharmacists after many pharmacists in Hachtag chanted "the dismissal of the Health "and" no comparison possible ". Between pharmacists and nurses. "The details of the incident are due to the badault of pharmacists by the Minister of Health during her visit to the hospitals of the Port Said's comprehensive health insurance system, where she met pharmacists and attacked them, claiming that the absence of pharmacists did not cause a crisis.The absence of a nurse is effective, but the absence of 100 pharmacists.

After the release of the Minister's statements, the case of the fierce attack of Egyptian pharmacists against Dr. Hala Zayed, the launch of "Hashtag" calls for the resignation of the Minister of Health, via the social network site "Twitter ", and reached the first position in traffic through the site, However, this scene has aroused with him the resentment and resentment of some of the sponsors

After the release of the Minister's statements, the case of the fierce attack of Egyptian pharmacists against Dr. Hala Zayed, the launch of "Hashtag" calls for the resignation of the Minister of Health, via the social network site "Twitter ", and reached the first position in traffic on the site, However, this scene has aroused in him the anger and resentment of some nurses, seduced by the status and the role of pharmacist, who prompted pharmacists to react face to nursing care.

Choking between nurse and pharmacist

To keep the difference between nurses and pharmacists, the General Nurses Union issued a statement to the Syndicate of Pharmacists about the recent crisis between them due to statements by Dr. Hala Zayed , health Minister.

"Your case has gone back to nursing without you being taught and although nursing did not hurt you, everyone knows that nurses are the only group who has had the burden of working in recent years to take care of the drugs and spend them 24 And despite the fact that you are overworked, as we all understand, and despite the belief of the nursing community that we are one team each working in a field, we were surprised by criticisms and comparisons without justification. "

The statement adds: "Many nurses have degrees, such as master's, doctorate and fellowship, and are now starting the Arab Council, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, similar certificates, and all, pharmacists from Egypt, all Considerations for being called (Dr.) graduation and this title is not true and you should not get it until you have obtained a PhD. "

The "pharmacists" are listed

However, in its statement to pharmacists, the Union of Nurses asked the Syndicat général des pharmaciens to intervene quickly, saying that the Conseil expresses its deep gratitude to all the members of the medical system, convinced of the role played by each sector. and by each of the members of this system, on the other side, and that any attempt to divide the rank hidden behind fictional fictitious personal social network pages is a desperate attempt at failure from the moment of birth.

The Association Council expressed its gratitude for the role of nursing and its great importance to the medical team in full activity and for their respect, as well as for their representatives, their sister union, the committee Nursing and members of the Council of the Bar Association.

Our disagreement is not with nursing

Dr. Ahmed Farouk, a member of the Union of Pharmacists, said that the disagreement between pharmacists did not concern nursing in the field. Its role, and no country in the world can do without one of the members of the health system.

Farouk told Tahrir that the Minister of Health had made a serious mistake against Egyptian pharmacists, who are more than 250,000 pharmacists, and that such irresponsible statements were totally rejected, and that any attempt to develop the profession would not would not be in the health system is not supported by a particular faction.

Nursing: our absence is already effective for pharmacists

Hisham Mahmoud, a spokesperson for the Nurses Union, said the nurses had and would not abuse pharmacists, whether near or far, and that she had started through statements by Health Minister Dr. Hala Zayed, in which she praised the role of nursing: A pharmacist does not act as if a nurse was absent "and asked everyone to look closely at the meaning of the sentence, which clearly shows that the health system relies heavily on nurses.

Hisham told Tahrir that if a pharmacist working in pharmacies, hospitals or government health units is absent and an existing pharmacist is present, the latter can perform the task without any impact on the patient's life. With intensive care, incubators or surgical and orthopedic services, its absence is very effective and constitutes a great spasm for the patient, so that the minister's statements prove the reality and the status of the nursing profession within the health system.

He added that his remarks do not interfere with the role of the pharmacist, nor with the light on active roles in the system, and that its absence is dangerous for patients, noting that pharmacists have launched a fierce attack on nurses , sometimes as the preparatory pregnancy pregnancy certificate, Nursing is higher than the total secondary entrance, just as some nurses receive a doctorate.

He pointed out that nursing does not conflict or compete with anyone, and that each faction complements the role of the other and that the system requires the presence of everyone, pointing out that the profession of nursing is the only one in the world. Nurse has become an oppressor for many young people of both bades, being the profession most exposed to direct infection. The value of nursing care is 16 pounds and exceeds 1,000 pounds in some occupations. We also asked for an increase in the value of Nabatieh, estimated at 12 pounds, while nursing homes in private hospitals had 350 pounds, nurses reaching 210,000 nurses. There is a shortage of nurses and there are one thousand and one nurses out of 227. HCV.

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