Ministers of the environment, industry, education, youth and displaced persons have joined the Council of Ministers


Industry Minister Wael Abu Faour and Minister of Education and Higher Education Akram Shuhaib visited Baabda Palace to attend the cabinet meeting. Saleh al-Gharib, Chehayb smiled: "Hello."

Saleh al-Gharib, the state minister for displaced people, did not answer questions from reporters about the possibility of a handshake with the two socialist ministers.

Public Works Minister Youssef Fenianos, who is celebrating the wedding of his son, arrived today to attend the session.

"Congratulations to everyone Sulha and good to everyone," said Youth and Sports Minister Mohamed Fneish.


This is the details of news from the ministers of environment, industry, education, youth and IDPs registered in the Council of Ministers for today. We hope that we will have succeeded in providing you with all the details and information and allowing you to follow all our news.

It should also be noted that the original news has been published and is available in the information letter (Lebanon). They were confirmed by the Gulf 365 editorial team. They may have been modified and fully transferred. You can read and follow the evolution of this news from their main source.

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