Miqati: We are against any attempt to impose conditions on the president-elect


President Najib Mikati called on all parties to facilitate the task of the President-designate "because every delay by the country in its stability and economy is delaying the launch of reforms necessary to cope with the many crises, including 39 public debt ". He told the Republic: "We are with the wheel but we are against any attempt to impose conditions on the appointed president or to try to establish new customs in the composition, the Constitution is clear and entrusted the president with the task of consulting the President of the Republic. The solution is to return to the Taif Accord and its spirit instead of increasingly anchoring sectarianism and sectarianism in everything, especially in the process of creating and distributing portfolios. "This is not the first time that government training takes time, even though we are still within acceptable timeframes for writing," Miqati said. "This is not the first time that the formation of the government takes time, But we must break the cycle of dialogue and stop imposing conditions and conditions of counter-intimidation and unconstitutional and illegal measures and I am afraid that there is also debate and debate on the ministerial declaration of the future government. "This is the way to return to Lebanon in conflicts that are not theirs. No use. "

Regarding the position of the President of the Republic regarding his efforts to facilitate the Hariri mission, Miqati said:" We appreciate this position issued by His Excellency. He deliberated in the political and media circles on a measure to be taken. We do not forget that it is in the interest of all parties, including the team of His Excellency the President and his supporters, to accelerate the formation of the Government and not to remain in the murderous circle of economic and financial fatalism of the country.

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