Miss killed her lover with 25 stab wounds … That's what happened


A 24-year-old Kenyan court sentenced a 24-year-old girl to death for killing her boyfriend after twenty-five years of beatings, after which they were killed and criticized by human rights groups. human rights qualifying this punishment as inhumane.

The convict is Ruth Kamandi, who won the Prison Beauty Festival while awaiting trial, where she was imprisoned in 1095 after her 24-year-old partner, Farid Mohammed, was stabbed to death in 2015 and sentenced in March.
"I want young people to know that it's not nice to kill your friend or girlfriend even in the darkest circumstances of disappointment or frustration," said Judge Jesse Lisset, who judged Thursday. "He said.

The judge added, "Instead, it is wonderful to move away and then tolerate the other party."

Judge Kamande was also charged with unfair behavior and manipulations that allowed him to avoid the crime and dispel suspicions, and not to show remorse for the violent attack that has " blood everywhere "at the scene of the crime.

The family of the victim insisted on the corresponding sentence: "We are happy that this day has come," said the aunt after the verdict.

The victim had just started a job at the end of his life.

Kenya has not pronounced any death sentences since 1987, although the sentences are still in force.

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